Tuesday, July 27, 2010

DIY excitement...

Until recently, I had no idea what "DIY" stood for. I eventually figured it out, and now I can't get enough of "do-it-yourself" projects. So naturally, a couple of days ago I was searching for something to be artsy craftsy with and I found the perfect project... Inspired by blog.craftzine.com  I found a cute little camera bag.

After seeing this, I just couldn't resist. When I went back to look for this picture to post, there were a ton of cute bags posted on google images (I know I'm lame).

I loved it so much that I made my sister one! My mom also made my youngest sister a cell phone cover that looked similar. So stinkin' cute. I'll share the secrets....

What you'll need:
variety of felt
cute bottons
embroidery thread
embroidery needle

Step 1: Measure out the felt around your camera/phone/item in one long strip. Then cut two smaller strips of felt the same size (but leave room for stitching!!!) as the top and bottom of your item. Be sure to leave one end curved and one end straight on those smaller pieces.

Step 2: Cut out as many felt circles as desired. On my bag, I cut two circles (one smaller & one larger) for the lens. Don't forget the little squares for the flash!

Step 3: Using your device as a tool, measure where everything should be sewn on (example: buttons). It is much easier to sew on the embellishments before you sew the whole thing together. 

Step 4: After you've sewn on all of the buttons and cutesy things, use a running stitch to sew the top and bottom on. Hold the felt together tightly so that it won't move around on ya! 

It's as easy as that! Or as hard. Whichever. My mom did one in about 30 minutes... It took me more like an hour. With the excess felt on the end, I just use it as a flap and tuck it into the actual case for a nice finished look. Isn't it so stinkin' cute? Now go make something!!! Comment if you have any questions. 

-Much Love-

1 comment:

  1. these are really cute!!! ♥ I wish there's one that looks like a camera lol if only I had the time lol =) So cute though!
