Saturday, January 29, 2011

Drastic Life Change....

I know this is completely ridiculous. But I am about to go there. I'm about to blog about sandwiches. I just ate a delicious cranberry chipotle turkey sandwich. A while back, my room mates and I went to a farmer's market here in town and purchased three different kinds of salsa. Personally, I chose a cranberry salsa that is delicious, but not so great with chips (because it's sweet I think). So I just added it to a turkey and swiss sandwich. Delicious. Then, I was inspired to look up other unique sandwich recipes. I don't know about you, but plain old turkey sandwiches get old really fast... Maybe you need a little inspiration... I know I do sometimes.

-Much Love-

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fashion Frenzy...

Here's to cute clothes and inspiring style...

Jessica Szohr. I have my room mate Chelsea to thank for this inspiration.

Rachel Bilson... 

Reese Witherspoon... Not an "all the time" favorite fashion icon, but I love this outfit.

And I don't care how cliche... Vanessa Hudgens... Cuh-ute.

-Much Love-

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Healer of the Brokenness...

Where to begin. Let's just say life is not at all where I expected it to be right now. I guess that's what I get for making a "plan". God just loves it when we do that. I think he sits there laughing and shaking his head when we're drawing out our map and planning all of the events that will take place in our perfect idea of a life. Nevertheless, I had a plan. A good one. And it failed. Big time. Relationships, classes, future plans (there's that word again), etc. So many things aren't going the way I pictured. And lately, I've felt that God hasn't exactly been giving me the lamp to my feet that he promised. Then, I realize that my idea of a lamp is more like a spotlight maybe? One that shines a mile or two ahead, perhaps?

The truth is that He is right there shining away... one step at a time. My quiet times the last few days have dealt with trusting God... shocking, right? Going through a study over the life of the disciple John, I'm realizing that God wants to take my routine and turn it into something amazing (Luke 5:1-11). To quote Beth Moore, "Jesus walks right up, catches us in the act of being ---again today--- exactly who we were yesterday and offers to turn our routine into adventure." I've asked God for adventure. I've asked him to send me wherever he wishes. To use me in ways that I could only dream of. Just give me direction already! And then he gave me this verse... "Consecrate yourselves, because the Lord will do wonders among you tomorrow." Joshua 3:5.

Literally tomorrow God? Really?! Alright, not the point exactly. The point is to get ready. The direction is to gear up for battle. To focus on Him. To fall more in love with Him every day. Also from Beth Moore, "God can perform a miracle in any one of us at any time, but amazing things happen when you and I are willing to get prepared for a mighty work of God."

So that's where I am... an extremely long blog post later... ready to get ready. I don't know what God is going to do in my life. He may be asking me to just trust Him exactly where I am. And he may be asking me to do something huge for his kingdom. Who knows? The point is that I'm learning to trust him with my whole entire heart. Lean not on my own understanding. Look to him.

-Much Love-

p.s. Please listen to this song by Esterlyn. I may or may not have listened to it about a hundred times today and cried every time.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nothing Against You Winter...

I'm so ready for summer... And I think a picture is worth a thousand words... So... here's 6000 words for you... Take your time.

-Much Love-

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Follow... Check.

I may or may not have just looked at the same blog for an hour. I couldn't help myself! I just had to keep clicking older posts! But I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I know I'm inspired!

The many desks, book shelves, and office type rooms are hopefully going to inspire me to study a ton this semester! And I love love love the ladder as the bed-side table and also the wooden crates as shelves!

-Much Love-


Like I said, 365photos may not be posted every day, but here's a couple for the catching up option. School hasn't started yet, and I'm already procrastinating. Great. Good news is though... it is snowing! Just when I thought I was ready for spring, it starts snowing... and all of my flower, fresh cotton, and chaco thoughts changed back to hot cocoa, mittens and hats, and warm fires. My mom came up and spent the weekend with me... which was awesome. We got some quality mother daughter time in, ate some wonderful food, first aspen visit for mom, and shopped at some great little thrift stores. I'm so excited to share what I found! 'Til then...

{beautiful back yards}

{trying to make espresso on my own}

-Much Love-

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Why is Urban Outfitters so amazing? I have never been much of a fan for ruffles... but I think this bedspread is amazing. More blogging later, but for now... you should check out UO's new apartment stuff!

-Much Love-

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cutest Video of the Year Award...

It's only January 5, and I think this video wins hands down for the cutest video of all time... Who knows what today has in store, but I definitely started off right with my cup of coffee. Enjoy.

-Much Love-

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Well, it's back to school for this girl... even though classes haven't started yet, I feel like there are a million things I need to do to already. But enough about that worrisome stuff. My parents took me out to lunch this afternoon before I had to head back to Stillville. We ate at this little hole in the wall mexican restaurant that I am pretty much in love with. It was delicious. But the best part was finding out that they were going to just throw away this giant window they didn't want anymore and so we asked to take it. I have big plans. And they have to be big... because like I said... the window is enormous. Anyhow, don't judge a book by it's cover... or a window by it's color... It will be repainted trust me! I'm pumped.

It literally takes up my entire back seat... wouldn't even fit in the trunk! Gotta love free stuff!

-Much Love-

Monday, January 3, 2011


January 3... As today was my last full day with my family on Christmas break, I tried to soak it up as much as possible. My mom and I mostly just killed time shopping and getting our minds off of things that have been troublesome lately. Amazing how shopping can cure a girl. Well... some girls... for some time... It would get my mind off of things for a little while, and then I would be right back where I started. I know I've already blogged once today (shocking...) but, at the end of the day (like it is right now... there's literally only 18 minutes left...) God is the only thing that fills me up. That quiets me with his love. How wonderful he is. He spoke to a desperate heart tonight through Psalm 145. I definitely would say it's a good idea to go read it if you don't already have it memorized... which I'm sure most of you don't... Just sayin. So go read it!

I should probably hit the hay... I have a coffee date with three little munchkins before school tomorrow morning. 

-Much Love-

p.s. Another goal for twenty11... See more sunrises.

Odd Concept...

I realize that this may be an odd concept to some, but I love when my God romances me. It's such a long story, but these last few days... nothing has seemed to make much sense. I think that's the way it's supposed  to be sometimes. I've just given one of my biggest passions to God and let him do with it as he pleases. I want to say that I trust him completely, but sometimes it's so hard to just close my eyes and let him guide my path. He says he is a lamp unto my feet in the Psalms. I just hate not seeing where I'm going in the long run! But I trust that he will be that lamp. And he will guide my every step. Back to the mushy gushy... I listen to love songs sometimes... Ok, a lot of the time... but this one has a new meaning to me now... From God's point of view... He just wants to hold me in his arms. Some parts may be awkward, but it makes sense to me.

"When you came to me with your bad dreams and your fears
It was easy to see you'd been crying
Seems like everywhere you turn catastrophe it reigns
But who really profits from the dying
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever

When you kissed my lips with my mouth so full of questions
My worried mind that you quiet
Place your hands on my face
Close my eyes and say
That love is a poor man's food
Don't prophesize
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever
And I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever

So now we see how it is
This fist begets the spear
Weapons of war
Symptoms of madness
Don't let your eyes refuse to see
Don't let your ears refuse to hear
Or you ain't never going to shake this sense of sadness
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold on forever
And I could hold you in my arms
I could hold on forever"

Thank you Jesus for Ray Lamontagne and this beautiful song that has such a new meaning to me now. Thank you for holding me in your arms.

-Much Love-

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Shades and Pottery...

Today, my very good friend Alyssa and I started off the new year right. We drove to Brookside and greeted the day with a great cup of coffee from Shades of Brown. Let me tell you... what a wonderful little coffee shop. There is art everywhere... and the coffee is delicious! Antique furniture and twinkle light heaven... and my favorite part, all of their dishes are handmade! Ceramic! We decided to go around the corner to Brookside Pottery where we learned that they actually made the first of their dishes, then went on to teach the owners to do create the art themselves! Beautiful. Here's to starting the new year's goals strong... a picture... or two...

Such a wonderful day! Now, the kitchen in the Kellehan house is looking mighty tempting with the homemade Tortelli my mom is making! Can't wait!

-Much Love-

p.s. If you would like to go to the lovely ceramic shop blog... the lady gave us her business card!