Tuesday, March 29, 2011


First hospital visit having to do with myself.
First surgery (besides wisdom teeth surgery...doesn't count).
First attempt at beginning to recover a chair (or envisioning it at least).
First of many long car rides with Meg.
First time I've been alright with not knowing my academic future.
First time I've thought about actually shadowing a pathologist.
First time for my mom to let me do something mischievous.
First time my dad has really impressed me with his thrift shopping (auction) abilities.

All in a week....

-Much Love-

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


{this one's for the room mate. pinwheel cupcakes? yes.}

{yes... I do want to make book page butterflies}


{anthropologie dress. yes.}

{I love the wall clock...}

{trail mix... my mom and I made at least 10 bags today}

{pretty things from alice's adventures in wonderland}

-Much Love-

Sunday, March 13, 2011


You'd be crazy not to think that this is just perfect.

-Much Love-

p.s. picture by home shabby home.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Birthday Wishes...

Ok... a month without blogging. Check. It was never on the list, but it just happened that way. So now that that's behind us, I've been getting requests for a birthday list. In a mere 15 days I will no longer be a teenager. It's a wonderful life. Here are some quick ideas...

A little strange, but I love them... Five fingers.

Still lookin' for that Shades of Brown mug.

Yay for signing the lease on our new house! I'm so excited to live with two of my favorite people in the world. But I may be needing some big girl furniture? Yes. Can't wait to go to countless auctions and sales and thrift shops with my mom!

-Much Love-

p.s. These images may or may not all be from google. Ok, they are...