Friday, May 20, 2011


Ok... a rundown of my morning so far...

Wake up.
Get ready.
Talk to the room mates.
Change clothes.
Go to Aspen.
Order a delicious breakfast burrito and vanilla latte.
Have some sweet time with my Lord and Savior.
Become more thankful than ever for periods of waiting in life.
Come home.
Change clothes.
Start Tangled... the best animated movie ever.

And I wonder why I have so much laundry... I change clothes more than anyone I know. Anyhow, in a quite random post, I will share with you the rest of my so called randomness...

Me and Mary at Relay for Life. What a special time.

Me, Nicole, and Chelsea at OSU baseball. Love of my life.

My youngest sister, Brooke, and I at McAlister's in Tulsa. I love random meet ups with my family.

This is how we put up with finals week... We were tired of studying inside... so we literally pitched a tent on our front porch and slept there all night. Only a couple of weird looks were issued. 

-Much Love-

Thursday, May 19, 2011



[Mary gets really excited for Amplify.]

[This is the only form of a picture Colin would take with me. It'll do.]

[Almost there!]

[Really almost there!]

[Ok... we're there.... roomie love.]

[Some of my favorite girls ever. Aren't they just beautiful?]

[Um... Dave Barnes. Hi.]

-Much Love-

Mom's Day...

In the spirit of summer, I am finally able to blog! YAY! I have had these pictures for quite some time, but I thought I would share them with you anyway... Be expecting a series of posts somewhat like this from the remainder of my sophomore year! 

{Mom's Day}

[Why yes, that is my momma!]

[Traditional picture with the rooms and her mom.]

[Other rooms..]

[I bet they love these action shots I snatched.]

[Our beautiful cup we made!]

[Lovely, lovely Meg]

[Me and my big... I love her.]

-Much Love-

Monday, May 16, 2011


I'm just dreaming of moving in to our new house! It is almost here! Lots of packing and cleaning (maybe) will soon pay off. That is, after I actually pack and clean (maybe). Ok... Still, I'm excited.

-Much Love-