Sunday, July 18, 2010

California Girls ((day five))...

Take me out too the ball game! Today, we all loaded up and headed for San Diego to watch the Padres play Arizona. The weather was a little bit chilly in the stadium, but once the sun came out, it was wonderful! Chelsea and I sported our Padres shirts for good reason! We won!!! Six runs to three. And of course it wouldn't be a baseball game without a huge hot dog and a large coke. Delicious.

Sometimes, I like to be a little bit goofy. When I try to tell Chelsea that she is weird, she always tells me that I'm weirder. So... It's true. I can't judge her. Here's a couple of silly pictures with an ambitious guy working out, some tropical mentos (my favorite), and a military "stand up" man.

After the game, we drove the scenic route to La Jolla beach. Yes, it is spanish. I thought that it was spelled "Lahoya" which is the way it is pronounced. Wrong. It was a beautiful beach. Seals like to lay out on the sand, even though people swim around them all the time! There was even a baby seal! It was so cute!!!

What a wonderful day! Now, I'm hearing talk of some yummy pie, and we're gonna hot tub later and watch Shutter Island! It's going to be a long night. Two more days on the west coast. Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds! Until then.

-Much Love-

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