Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wedding Crazy...

A little random fact about myself... I love weddings. All of them. I don't care if it is my style or not, weddings are my favorite. Although my own wedding may be just something to dream about now, I still love looking at everything and planning how I want my special day to be. I mostly picture a really fun day full of laughter and happiness. None of that uptight, formal black and white stuff... Don't get me wrong, formal is beautiful, but I want my day to be more about the people than the event. It just melts my heart to think about the "I do's". I have about 234809283 weddings planned out in my head, but the one I'm ooooh-ing and aaahhhh-ing over right now is filled with sunflowers. Lots of sunflowers. The cutest idea for a cake is baking the chocolate cake, covering it with chocolate icing and chocolate chips (for the seeds of course) and then putting twinkies all around it! Isn't that so stinkin' adorable? Nothing fancy, just a good time.

-Much Love-


  1. omg girl...
    i knew i liked you! this is presh and it is SO you!! i just love ya!!
