Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Combinations...

This Monday Combination may be a little bit different than what I normally choose to write about; however, this story needs to be told. August 23. Today. First day of my sophomore year of college. Lots of things happened. The day was good except for a few setbacks. My bike was stolen (for the second time... my fault both times), I spilled chocolate ice cream (delicious) all down my white shirt, almost got in a wreck... the list goes on. BUT. I don't want to write in detail about any of that... I want to write about God's faithfulness. I am safe and alive... and so is my car (long story). Also, the chocolate stain came out with the help of Mary's handy dandy stain remover, and also.... drum roll please.... this morning, when I prayed for God to help me find my bike, or send another one my way I knew it was selfish. Whoever took my bike probably needed it more than I did. I don't really need a bike. It is a luxury. But I do love a good bike ride, and my God does love to romance me. My friend Emily just so happened to have an extra bike laying around her house that she is going to give me! God works in such crazy and amazing ways. I will buy a bike lock BEFORE I pick up the beautiful bicycle this time. And also, I will praise my God and give Him all of the glory. Wow. Therefore, this Monday combination deals with "answered prayer" and a "bicycle".

-Much Love-

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