Tuesday, August 17, 2010

4 Simple Goals...

One of my favorite blogs to read is A Beautiful Mess by Elsie Flannigan. Her style is splendidly vintage and she is just such an inspiration to the artsy-craftsy world. One of her more recent posts urges readers to make a list of four simple goals for the rest of the year. Not long term results, just simple goals. I could name way more than four goals that I have for myself the rest of this year, but we'll start with four right now.

1) Have a quiet time with my God every single day. 

2) Begin an art journal.

3) Study harder than ever before, and truly learn the material.

4) Have a coffee date at least once a week getting to know someone better.

I think those four goals are just beautiful. They are exactly what I need. Falling in love with God more and more every day, expressing myself through art and creativity, truly learning information that will help me to be a better doctor someday, and also searching for the true heart of a person.

-Much Love-

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