Tuesday, August 17, 2010

If There's One (or ten) Things I've learned...

Oh college. You've gotta love the college life. With school starting back up just one week from today, there is so much to look forward to. God has blessed my life so many ways in my college experience so far. I know I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be here at OSU. One of the many ways he has blessed me is by sending wonderful, beautiful room mates my way. I love the girls that I live with. Our apartment is just so lovely and cozy. Here's a few things that I've learned in the mere three days I've lived here...

1:: My Iron and Wine pandora station has been playing nonstop.
2:: We all love coffee. There hasn't been a day/night that coffee hasn't been involved.
3:: Pineapple Orchid is my new favorite smell.
4:: Thank goodness for different colors of Summit Co. Camelbaks. End of story.
5:: Yellow and grey go splendidly together in a bedroom.
6:: There have already been cooking parties. We enjoy eating well.
7:: We all have "blog envy". Thank you for getting me hooked on so many different blogs.
8:: Bubble baths are not just for five year olds. Bubbles and books go perfectly together. So relaxing.
9:: There will be crafts. Lots of crafts.
10:: Jesus will be praised.

Check out their blogs as well!

-Much Love-


  1. umm... i dont know if ive told you lately, but i just love you!

  2. i just love you both!!!! so so so so much!
