Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Lunch Box...

Last night, my room mate Mary and I were talking about saving money and what-not... One thing that I want to do this school year is bring my lunch to campus. It's so much less expensive and healthier, too! Although this post is simple and, yes, silly... You've been warned that simple is the tone of this blog. So what does "bringing your lunch" require?

First, a cute lunch box... I found this one here.

Secondly, a grocery list of yummy things to pack. What is in my brown paper sack (soon to be cute lunch pale) today you might ask?

Thirdly, determination....

What will you pack in your cute little lunch pail?

-Much Love-

1 comment:

  1. hummus, pita, cheese, turkey, and triscuts. also almonds....aaaaaand grapes :] ok and maybe some chocolate?
