Monday, October 11, 2010

Random Question...

For most college students, lack of sleep is the usual routine. Some have managed to work their way up to only three hours a night, and they are just dandy throughout the day! I, on the other hand, am not a part of this majority. Eight or nine hours a night seems just perfect for me... So why am I awake at midnight when I have to be in class no later than 8:30 tomorrow morning? Good question. When I drink coffee throughout the day, it never seems to wake me up, but if I drink it after 9:00 p.m. there is no hope. I'm awake for all hours of the night. Why? Why is this? Sorry to be so random, but I do have the caffeine jitters and what else should I do besides blog? Definitely not study or do homework... No. There should be some point to this blog post though, yes. Tonight, I had cov with my phi lamb phamily. For those who haven't read before, this is basically just a small group within my sorority. My big, my half twin, myself, and my two littles all get together and have a wonderful Jesus time together once a week. I got to share my testimony with them tonight... Just a little of what I'm going through right now. Struggles I'm having, things to be thankful for, how Jesus gave me eternal life... all the good stuff. I have never been more humbled before God than I am at this moment in my life. Still, God has given me this amazing group of girls to pour into and also, for them to pour into me... Also, I've never laughed so hard in my life. These girls are so awesome. Just thought I'd share a little bit.

-Much Love-

I would love to go to Colorado soon... Would anyone like to join?

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