Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wrapping Paper is Everywhere...

Not be one of those bloggers... but I'd like to tell you how this morning has started off, detail by detail. Even though I've only been up for a single hour (christmas break=I'm allowed to sleep in), I feel the morning has already been great. First thing, I started brewing enough for a couple cups of that wonderful Maxwell House coffee. Yum! As that was filling the apartment with a delicious aroma, I put on a Christmas pandora station... purely wonderful. Next, I started... drumroll please.... WRAPPING CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! I'm so excited for Christmas. Can it just be here already? I maybe should have wrapped sooner, so our tree could look like Santa came early, but I'm wrapping today so I can enjoy our little Charlie Brown tree before I get to take all of the presents HOME! I'm so ready to see my family. Anyway. After I wrapped about half of the gifts, I started looking through some blogs I normally follow, like this one. Chelsea Rose's blog... If you don't know it, you should. She's great. Then, I figured I should probably blog my own weekend events! The coffee mug got topped off, and now here we are...

We got to go spend a couple of days with my room mate (and about nine others) at her family's ranch in the middle of nowhere! I loved it! We rode four-wheelers around and explored. Got nine people on the top of one hay bale (pictures later). Cut down a couple of trees (I watched) so that my new friend, Brian could make a chair. Brilliant. Ate some taco soup. Watched the sunset. Built a fire and made s'mores. And talked all through the night. I was sad to leave. 

Lauren, myself and Mary.

I believe that is the very hay that we all stood on? Possibly. It was beautiful.
More pictures to come soon, these are only the ones I could snap with my little camera. Mary and Colin both have a ton of pictures on their legit cameras. 'Til next time!

-Much Love-

p.s. Back to wrapping! Make sure and do all of your last minute Christmas shopping! I know I will.

1 comment:

  1. so jealous!
    i didnt know ostin went... so glad you had a good time! cant wait to go back when ALL THREE of us can be there together :)
